fedOO is a Python library for Finite Elements, highly tunable with emphasis on model reduction (PGD, AI-based models). It has a designed balance between speed and ease-of-use. fedOO integrates a non-linear solver, and tools to faciitate integration of homogenization techniques and multiscale modelling.
Here are the main features:
- FEDOO is entirely written in Python 3
- Resolution of problems based on a separated decomposition (PGD, POD, Reduced bases) Static and Dynamics poblems
- Mesh import/export from msh (GMSH) and vtk format
- Export results in vtk file for easy visualisation with Paraview (https://www.paraview.org/)
- Constitutive equation library including elasto-plastic law, composites law, …
- Include many type of elements like cohesive elements, 2D, 3D, beam, …
- Geometrical non linearities
- And many other….
![Simulation of an assembly of beams](https://3mah.github.io/assets/images/about/fedooBeams.png)
![Simulation of damage in composite materials (yarns shown) using Periodic boundary conditions and PGD model reduction](https://3mah.github.io/assets/images/about/sigxyyarns.png)
![Simulation of periodic architectured materials response using Periodic boundary conditions](https://3mah.github.io/assets/images/about/shearPerio.png)
Beam network
, damage in composites
, and architectured materials