Simcoon is a C++ library with emphasis on speed and ease-of-use. Its principle focus is to provide tools to facilitate the implementation of up-to-date constitutive model for materials in Finite Element Analysis Packages. This is done by providing a C++ API to generate user material subroutine based on a library of functions. Also, Simcoon provides tools to analyse the behavior of material, considering loading at the material point level.
Simcoon consists in an Application Programming Interface (API) developped in C++ and exposed in Python.
It relies on the high quality linear algebra library C++ library Armadillo. This provides a perfect balance between speed and ease of use
It can be used as a standalone solver tool for the numerical simulation of material’s thermomechanical response, or coupled to Finite Element Analysis (FEA) packages for the simulation of complex structures
Provide efficient material constitutive law for anisotropic elasticity, plasticity, viscoélasticity, phase transformation

Constitutive models
, Multi-scale models
, and Identification and analyses